Handcrafted Jewelry
Next Drop: TBD
Hello, Mariah here. I am the creator of SLGoods and so excited for you guys to get to know me. I am currently a licensed therapist working with children who struggle with depression and anxiety. I hope you find a little joy in the rings I make!
Thank you for all the love and support you guys have given me, by investing in my products. I love finding each and every ring that specifically matches what you desire and love. You might ask why I chose Silver Lining Goods as our brand name. Well here's a little background… Life is tough, many of us go through negative events in our life that affect how we feel or even function. We may feel lost, unwanted, not good enough, not pretty enough, invisible, etc. I have had my fair share of hardships in my life, where I felt as if life was hopeless, dark, and there was no way out. Silver lining is a metaphor that represents hope or optimism, that there is always light at the end of the tunnel. I wanted to share the products I make because they bring happiness and joy. They provide a little bling in our life.

"And here you are living despite it all"